
Showing posts from January, 2023


WHAT IS IBPS AFO ? IBPS AFO Full Form Institute of Banking Personnel Selection- Agricultural Field Officer. It is a competitive examination which is conducted by the Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) for the recruitment of Agricultural Field Officers (AFO) in the Public Sector Banks in India.  ROLE OF AFO IN BANK The AFO role involves working in the rural and semi-urban areas to promote govt. Financial schemes for farmers, providing loans and other facilities to the farming community for purchasing new Agriculture implement, family needs etc.. Now i am going to give the answer of afo related most asked questions. Q. Is ibps afo exam tough ? Ans. Yes, Ibps afo recruitment is carried out in three exams - prelims,mains and interview. Q. Is ibps afo government job ? Ans. Yes, Ibps afo is a government job in the banking sector.  Q. What is ibps afo ? Ans. Ibps(Institute of banking personnel selection) is a government examination organization, which is conducting all b...

BSc Agriculture 3rd(Third) Semester notes pdf in hindi and english

BSC AGRICULTURE 3rd(Third) SEMESTER NOTES PDF IN HINDI AND ENGLISH DOWNLOAD HERE! Hello friends ! Today in this blog i am providing you the best notes of Bsc Agriculture 3rd (Third) semester in both languages hindi and english. In The 3rd semester of bsc agriculture you have to study these following subjects- 1. AGRON-211 Crop Production Technology – I (Kharif Crops)  2. GPB-211 Fundamentals of Plant Breeding  3. AECON-211 Agricultural Finance and Cooperation  4. AENGG-211 Farm Machinery and Power  5. HORT-211 Production Technology for Vegetables and Spices  6. ESDM-211 Environmental Studies and Disaster Management  7. STAT-211 Statistical Methods  8. LPM-211 Ruminant Production & Management  9. ENTO-211 Insect Ecology & Principles of Integrated Pest Management 10. PPATH-211 Diseases of Field & Horticultural Crops & their Management-I If you want to download these notes then click on highlighted hindi and english notes words. 1. (...

Rajasthan Agriculture supervisor

AGRICULTURE SUPERVISOR PDF Hello friends! As you know, Agriculture Supervisor Vaccancy is coming  soon in the year 2023. If you want to do preparation for agriculture supervisor 2023, then download Complete ASP NOTES OF AGRICULTURE SUPERVISOR from here.  In this blog you get- Agriculture Supervisor Book Pdf RSMSSB Agriculture Supervisor Agriculture Supervisor Agriculture Supervisor Notes Pdf Download Agriculture Supervisor Book Pdf Download Agriculture Supervisor Notes Pdf Agriculture Supervisor Notes Rajasthan Agriculture Supervisor Notes In Hindi Pdf Click on Respective Subject To Download Notes- A.  ASP RAJASTHAN GEOGRAPHY NOTES B. ASP RAJASTHAN CULTURE AND HISTORY NOTES C.  COMPLETE RAJASTHAN G.K. NOTES 2.Hindi grammar pdf- A. ASP HINDI NOTES 3.AGRICULTURE NOTES - A. AGRONOMY NOTES B. HORTICULTURE NOTES C. ANIMALS HUSBANDRY(PASHUUPALAN) NOTES Thank you!

What Is Agriculture?

  What Is Agriculture Class 8 ? Agriculture is a branch of science which deals with scientific study of crops, farming practices , rearing of animals ,fisheries etc. With the aims of  Improving production and qualities of foods to fulfill demands growing population.   "Nowadays agriculture is considered  both art and science. As art agriculture deals with  crop production practices, animal rearing practices, fisheries rearing practices etc. And as science agriculture deals with scientific research on crops, fisheries ,animals to increase their production per unit." Define Farming Farming is a set of practices which is performed to produce crops and vegetables.  Farmer Man who grows vegetables, crops, rear animals and owns a piece of land is preferably called a "farmer". Agriculture is divided into how many parts? Ans :- On the basis of different types foods products agriculture is mainly divided into five major branches such as- Agronomy Horticulture...

BSc Agriculture 1st (First) Semester Notes Pdf In Hindi and English

BSc AGRICULTURE FIRST SEMESTER ALL SUBJECTS NOTES PDF IN HINDI & ENGLISH DOWNLOAD HERE! Hello friends ! Today in this blog i am providing you the best notes of  Bsc Agriculture 1st(FIRST) semester in both languages hindi and english . In The   First/1st Semester of Bsc Agriculture you have to study these following subjects- 1. HORT-111 Fundamentals of Horticulture  2. SSAC-111 Fundamentals of Soil Science  3. AGINFO-111 Agri-Informatics  4. ENG-111 Comprehension & Communication Skills in English  5. AGRON-111 Fundamentals of Agronomy  6. MATH-   111   Elementary Mathematics 7. AGRON-112 Agricultural Heritage  8. AGEXT-111 Rural Sociology & Educational Psychology  9. HVE-111 Human Values & Ethics (non grade) BSc Agriculture 1st Semester Notes Pdf.             Or BSC Agriculture 1st Semester Books Pdf. CLICK ON DOWNLOAD BUTTON FOR NOTES PDF FILE DOWNLOADING:- 1.(HORT-111)- Fundamentals Of ...


What Is The Scope Of Soil Science? The soil science has six well-defined and developed disciplines. Scope of soil science is reflected through these disciplines .  What Is Soil Science   The science dealing with soil as a natural resource on the surface of the earth, including, Pedology (soil-genesis, classification and mapping) and the physical, chemical, biological and fertility properties of soils and these properties in relation to their managements for crop production.  The soil Science has the following six well-defined disciplines:  1. SOIL FERTILITY : It denotes the status of a soil with respect to the amount and availability of elements to plant necessary for its growth. Soil fertility, therefore, refers to the nutrient supplying properties of the soil it is bes by considering :-  (i) the nutrient requirement of plants;  (ii) the supply of nutrients by the soil,  (iii) ways in which nutrients are lost from the soil, and  (iv) methods by w...


(SOIL) मृदा :-  मृदा शब्द की उत्पति लेटिन भाषा के शब्द सोलम से हुई है जिसका शाब्दिक अर्थ फर्श होता है। इस प्रकार मृदा भूमि की सबसे ऊपरी परत है।  मृदा एक प्राकृतिक पिण्ड है जिसका स्वरूप त्रिविमिय होता है। मृदा के प्रत्येक पिंड़ मे आयतन होता है और प्रत्येक पिंड़ स्थान घोरता है। यह पिंड तीन विमाओ उदाहरणार्थ लुम्बाई-चौड़ाई और गहराई वाली सत्ता के रूप में होता है।  सभी मृदाओं की तीन प्रावस्थाए ठोस , द्रव और गैस होती है। सभी मुद्राओं में समान प्रमुख घटक सनिज पदार्थ कार्बनिक पदार्थ, वायु व जल होते है तथा किसी न किसी प्रकार की प्रोफाइल होती है सभी मृदार्थ खुला तन्त्र होती है जिसमे पदार्थ निकाले या मिलाये जा सकते हैं।   (DEFINITION OF SOIL SCIENCE IN HINDI) मृदा विज्ञान की परिभाषा:-   बैकमैन और ब्रेटी के अनुसार " मृदा एक प्राकृतिक पिंड है जो विच्छेदिव एवं अपक्ष्यित खनिज पदार्थो तथा कार्बनिक प्रदार्थो के सड़ने से बने विभिन्न पदार्थो के परिवर्तनशील मिश्रण से प्रोफाइल के रूप मे संस्लेषित होती है । यह पृथ्वी को एक पतले आवरण के रूप में ढकती है, तथा जल एवं वायु को उपयुक...


IN THE HISTORY OF SOIL SCIENCE   CONTRIBUTION IS MADE BY -Van Helmont, Woodword, Laws and Gilbert, Hens Jenny, Boussingault, DeSaussure, J.V. Liebig, Warington, Glinka, Hilgard, V.V. Dokuchaiev, Marbut, Leather, Scholasky, Rama moorthy etc. Great civilization has almost invariably good soils. The dynasties of the Nile, Indus flourished along the rivers and good management of soil. Mismanagement of soil was associated with the downfall of some civilizations. Even today there are many who do not fully recognize the long-term significance of soil. This may be due to ignorance about the soils. The careful preservation of soil can be the difference between a prosperous society and poverty. Early scientists were curious about what items growing plants needed. The search was made to identify the plant nutrients and to improve the soil ability to supply them. Until 1860 (Hilgard in Mississippi) and 1870 (V.V. Dockuchalov in Russia ) soil was not considered worthy to have detailed study in ...

11th Class Agriculture Book pdf

11th CLASS AGRICULTURE BOOK Rajasthan board of secondary education (BSER) AJMER, 11th Class Agriculture  Books pdf file Download. 11th Agriculture Subject 1. KRISHI VIGYAN 2. KRISHI RASAYAN 3. KRISHI JIV VIGYAN Hello friends! Today in this blog I am providing you 11th Class Agriculture Book Rbse,11th Class Agriculture Book,11th Class Agriculture Book In Hindi Pdf,11th Class Agriculture Book In Hindi,11th Agriculture Subject,agriculture Books Pdf In Hindi,agriculture Books Pdf,agriculture Books In Hindi,agriculture Books,11th Class Agriculture Book Pdf,Agriculture Book in Hindi,and Agriculture book. These books pdf files definitely fullfill your need if you searching for above mentioned books title! Please support us. Click On Respective Subject To Download Book Pdf File A. 11th  KRISHI VIGYAN B. 11th KRISHI RASAYAN C. 11th KRISHI JIV VIGYAN(Agri-Biology) IF YOU WANT MORE AGRICULTURE RELATED CONTENT THEN  VISIT ON OUR SITE HOMPAGE . THANK YOU!!!